Character Interview: Eveline: Part Four

Me: Knights?

Eveline: Lagar has raised the knights of Hell and sent them after me.

Me: What are their names?

Eveline: Adragon, Zazel, Nacromos and Belzamon are their names.

Me: And they are the reason that you have fled from Keswick and make for Anglesey?

Eveline: One of the reasons. Matthew received news that Galean barely lives, my husband refused to tell me, knowing that I would change my mind and return home.

Me: Is that why you left him?

Eveline: If there is any truth in the prophecy, then I must ensure that Galean lives.
Me: You can save him?

Eveline: I…I don’t know.

Me: Are you returning to Unas to save your people or Galean?

Eveline: Both. Staying here would be to place all those who guard my existence in peril and not just the servants of Heiden, but all living beings will be ravaged not by their human enemies but by an enemy darker and older, an enemy none of them can destroy. Theodore wanted us to fall into a specific dream, away from the reality of who I am. He wanted us to begin again as we once were and at first I agreed, unknowing that it was he that stabbed Galean, intending to kill him. When I became enlightened to the truth, I had to make a decision. To stay and watch a universe fall into an abyss of terror or to come out of the shadows and become who I was born to be, even if it was not by choice.

Me: But you have been given a choice, yes?

Eveline: My grandfather gave me a choice, yes. Who is the greater perpetrator, the person who actively hurts another, or the person who stands back and does nothing? My grandfather has placed his faith in the prophecy and if he is right and Galean is bound to myself and the future of not just Unas, then I must return to him and awaken him from his sleep. Does that make my situation any easier? No. I am married and yet have fled from my husband to ensure the survival of a man who is not my husband. What does that say about me?

Me: That you are being pragmatic in a time of chaos. You are placing your faith in this prophecy in order to safeguard those who need to be protected. It is too much of a risk to simply ignore it. These knights, do they know where you are?

Eveline: They know that I live in Keswick, they do not know that I am headed to Ravinston, at least not to my knowledge.

Me: If they are headed to Keswick, will that not place Theodore in serious danger?

Eveline: He knows they are coming, he will be able to protect himself.

Me: Are you worried about him?

Eveline: Of course I am.

Me: Why did you not allow him to come with you?

Eveline: I am protecting him, which with all that has happened, is the only thing I can do to prove myself to him.

Me: And you have no other reason to keep him away?

Eveline: I am not returning to Unas in order to bind myself to Galean, if that is what you are trying to infer. Theodore will never be entirely himself if he believes Galean alive and so I cannot risk them ever encountering one another again, for surely the next time they meet, one of them will perish out of pride and jealousy.

Me: Forgive me, I did not mean to offend you.

Eveline: Is there anything else you wish to ask me?

Me: A few more questions, mainly about you if that is okay?

Eveline: Of course.

Me: Do you know where this garden of Calhuni is?

Eveline: No, all that I know is that there is a hidden book of Kings that has been used by the Kings of old.

Me: Do you know where the book is?

Eveline: No.

Me: What does it contain within?

Eveline: It acts as a guide to the garden and can only be accessed by the true heir.

Me: So if someone where to find the book, they wouldn’t be able to read the information within?

Eveline: No.

Me: How are you feeling right now with the weight of all that has occurred upon your shoulders?

Eveline: I cannot give you an exact description as to how I feel, I feel as though I am allowing myself to be led by purpose. My mind and heart are riddled with conflicting emotions and the weight upon both increases with each passing day.

Me: Are you frightened?

Eveline: Yes.

Me: What frightens you the most?

Eveline: I am afraid that I will return to my Kingdom and find myself unable to rule.

Me: Can you elaborate on that point a little?

Eveline: I have never been a believer in the divine right of Kings. I do not believe in absolute power and so when thinking about having to reclaim a throne, I find myself in a paradox of contradiction. And then there is the question of how to rule. I have no idea how to rule over a kingdom or people and it doesn’t help matters that I have never been trained, never grown up within the said Kingdom or know my people.

Me:  It sounds to me as though you are facing a storm of uncertainty?

Eveline: You would be right. Firstly, I have no idea where I am headed and secondly, I will have no idea in what direction I must head. For now, my focus is to make it to Anglesey without being tracked down by the four knights. Beyond travelling through time and space to Unas, I have no idea. I have absolutely no idea as to how I will find Galean, let alone claim back my heritage. And the worst of it is this…

Eveline leans in close to me, with unblinking eyes.

Me: Yes?

Eveline: I have no idea if I truly want to be a Queen and ruler. Do I want to protect my people, yes. Do I want to ensure my brother never finds the garden of Calhuni? Yes. But do I want to be a Queen with absolute power and authority? No. I don’t believe myself strong enough for such a role. Power corrupts and I do not wish to be corrupted by it.

Me: It sounds like you are in a conundrum.

Eveline: It feels as though I have no choice.  I would be a cold hearted murderer, if I simply allowed the forces of dark to take control, knowing I had the ability to prevent all that has been foretold.

Me: Does that make you angry?

Eveline: I have always felt unconnected from this world, always felt different due to my looks and abilities. But never did I believe myself anything more than a wife and daughter. Knowing that I have so much power and even greater purpose to my life, scares me to the core. I am afraid that I will alter and change, that I will betray my morals and principles. I am scared of Lagar and Heidan, but even more fearful of power itself.

Me: You could change the position and authority of your role as Queen could you not?

Eveline: You mean, separate myself from power?

Me: Yes.

Eveline: I suppose so, but I have no firm grasp of the political environment and so a separation of powers may not be possible.

Me: If you were to give me five characteristics of a great leader, what would they be?

Eveline: Intelligence, Strength, Focus, Determination and Confidence.

Me: Would you say that you share in these characteristics?

Eveline: My mother always told me that I was determined and intelligent. But strong, focused and confident I’m not so sure and I think it depends greatly on a situation.

Me: What are your strengths?

Eveline: Well as I have already said, I am determined and I like to think intelligent enough. I am a good listener, empathetic, unwavering and I like to believe I am forgiving.

Me: What are you weaknesses?

Eveline: I can be hot headed, lacking in confidence and self-worth, Theodore thinks that I am too forgiving and unable to spot manipulative people. I fear change and can suffer from bouts of anxiety.

Me: Do you agree that great leaders also have to be possession of an iron hand?

Eveline: Yes and that is one of the many issues I face. A great leader cannot only be compassionate, they must be firm in ensuring the law is upheld and obeyed. They have to make incredibly hard decisions that may place them under the scrutiny of their people and court. For me to be a productive leader, I have a lot in which to learn.

Me: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Eveline: I think I would like to be a little bit more spontaneous and less dismissive of my qualities.

Me: Lastly, do you see yourself as being a leader in the future?

Eveline: I see a very long and troublesome journey towards the garden of Calhuni and I believe that I am not yet ready to take up such a role, there is much about me that needs to change. If I am the key to unlocking the prophecy, then I must try to unlock the future and bring about change. I do not believe the path ahead to be straight or without stain.
The End


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